
Christmas 2012

We hosted an early Christmas at our house with my family. We had our traditional Christmas Eve appetizers and opened presents from each other that night. I started a new tradition with Ethan this year, making homemade cinnamon rolls. (they turned out great!) We have two new little cousins in the mix for Ethan this Christmas, Aiden and Eli. Anthony, Ethan and I enjoyed a quiet Christmas day just the three of us.

 matching pjs for the cousins :)
 our newest nephew, Eli
 homemade cinnamon rolls!
 Ethan getting some practice ;)
 Christmas morning
snowman pancakes!


While Daddy's away...

Unfortunately Anthony has to be in Phoenix for work for most of December. Ethan and I have tried to stay busy while getting ready for Christmas :)

 Christmas trees we decorated with some friends
 a visit to see Santa!
 burger and shake night to feed Ethan's (mommy's) craving
 a sleigh ride pulled by reindeer!
 game night at Starbucks
 plenty of sweets
 a visit to macy's 8th floor holiday display
 playing with the birthday toys
 getting the tree ready
counting down to Christmas!


It's a....


We are so happy and surprised to share that baby #2 will in be a girl! We feel so lucky to have this news and have loved sharing it with family and friends. I think getting the chance to have one of each an already a lucky experience, and for me having three brothers and no sisters makes having a girl that much more meaningful :)