Minnesota Zoo, a set on Flickr.
This past Friday we took some time to visit the MN Zoo, and renew our membership. Unfortunately, there were lots of sleeping animals, so not many photos to share. Here are a few, and I hope you enjoy them.
Minnesota Zoo, a set on Flickr.
This past Friday we took some time to visit the MN Zoo, and renew our membership. Unfortunately, there were lots of sleeping animals, so not many photos to share. Here are a few, and I hope you enjoy them.
I'm not sure what the rules for portraits are, but I think this is a pretty good one.
Landscape Arboretum, a set on Flickr.
Elizabeth, Ethan, and I, all took a ride to the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum this weekend.
There was lots to see, and do, and we just loved all the green foliage around.
We got there kind of late in the morning, so it was just a quick stop, and then off to lunch.
I hope you enjoy the photos.
Summer Fun, a set on Flickr.
Elizabeth was doing some planting this weekend, and decided it was time we open the valve on the hose.
Ethan had fun playing in his make-shift pool, and running around the yard.
Horse Riding, a set on Flickr.
We took Ethan to the Bunker Hill Stables in Andover, MN this past weekend.
He has an affinity for animals and we were happy to feed that love with a trip to the stables, and a ride on a pony.
The other day Ethan and I met Brent and Caleb at daycare for drop off, and Caleb was having a bit of a tough morning.
While Ethan and I walked to the kitchen in the school, Ethan was telling me all of the things he was going to do, in order to help Caleb feel better.
"I'll share some toys with him."
"I can give him some snacks."
"I can play with Caleb."
Finally he ended with: "He's my best friend."
Gale Woods Farm May 2011, a set on Flickr.
Elizabeth has been to this farm with her students one or more times, and we've also been there together for a wedding.
This past weekend, we took Ethan to the farm to see the animals, and walk around in the nice sunshine.
Here are a couple of photos from the day.